What is frienship really? Is it the ability to walk into a friends house without knocking or the ability to tell one particular person everything that is on your mind at that given moment? Not because you need to vent, but simply because you feel like talking simple! Well,in most cases I do the talking, excuse me! talking is what I love. Nonetheless back to the point at hand, what is friendship?
Honestly, like love I believe friendship does not have a face to it, unlike Amy from The Big bang Theory one cannot just get up and decide to "force" friendship. Lets be honest, come on.. Friendship should just happen, because like a fart, if its forced it is probably shit!
Ok, so jokes aside, why the blog? Well, it is inspired by my best friend. At the beginning of it all we had decided on pure honesty. Truth may hurt a hell'a lot, but it is one of the fundamental factors in any given relationship. I would think we were doing pretty well in that department till recently.. and no! Its not her fault, this time it is alllll mine! As humans we tend to look for fault in anyone, and by anyone, I mean anyone other then ourselves. The saying "I cannot blame anyone, but myself", means literally just that. Ok, so on with it. I am sorry. There, I said I, even in my computer aided class is said it (crack a smile, life is too short to be grumpy)!
It is absolutely true that I am being extremely selfish,as when it comes to the "buff man" I am quick to tell you whats what, and give you a piece of my mind. It shouldn't be any different in this case. I got your back gurl! So, read this blog. Accept my apology and let me give you some AVI DOSE OF SENSE!