Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Sometimes, not doing is the real peace
Choosing to stay silent
Remain Calm
And watch as he tries to walk all over you

Sometimes, opting to claim your peace
Doesn't make you selfish
Doesn't make you heartless
And doesn't make you lonely

Sometimes, your peace is more important
Than an argument that will carry storms
An argument that causes more pain than solution
An argument designed to start your day off on a bad note

Sometimes, realizing your peace
Is in your silence
In your comfort
In your safe place

Because peace cannot be given to you, it is yours to take. Because when it is written "Peace, be still", what it means to stay is be still and find peace. Go deep within yourself and lay your warm heart with a layer of protection. Ensure your heart isn't reached by every mishap, or issue. Your heart is sacred, and can only be broken by those you allow close enough to touch it.

Be careful who you let close.

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