Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Dream

The Dream

We all walk around these earthly grounds, heads buried deep in one or the other insecurity. More often then not, we stumble and bump into one another, smile politely and utter a 'sorry'. When in actual fact you really couldn't give a rats ass about whether or not you really are sorry. And so you go about your business forgetting about that stranger you bumped into, and back into the pool of sorrow you feel for yourself..

Does one ever really sit back and reflect on the life you are living? Take a moment to unwind and think about something other then what you lack, what you should be doing or how unfair life is. Reflect on why you were placed on this round ball with the blue waters (clear actually, but who's counting) we refer to as earth? I mean, think about it.. If you die one blissful day, wake in your grave and realise that that coffin in which your body as placed is in actual fact your prison for what's left of eternity.. Your soul has no escape and your human form is the only decaying company you have, would be the most devastating thing one could surpass (well that and dying, but ok). The realization that there in actual fact is no God, after life (after-life) and whatever else you hoped to meet on the other side. The realization that the atheist were the only ones who actually understood this whole debacle. Can you imagine having lived under the doctran of the norm and for what.. Nothing.. I am not about to say I doubt the existance of God, but I am allowed my 'what if' moment. No judgement here.

The big bang theory, the world having been created in 6 days and God having rested on the seventh. I am sorry to say the least, we are either incredibly gullible or plain simply so lost in trying to find the answer that it may just as well be right in front of our blinded eyes yet we simply refuse to acknowledge it.. They say, "the best hiding place is right in plain sight", and who can argue that? When looking for your cellular phone, you at times find it right in your hand. It is in human nature to turn a blind eye to the obvious. In a home, the husband can be cheating, coming home wiht lip stick marks on his tweed jacket and believe it when I say this, he can get away with a simple 'Dorren borrowed it earlier today' and that is the end of that story.

The world is so much larger then our small human minds. We can have it right on point with all the thoeries we come up with, but my bet is we have it all wrong. Completely wrong. I will go about my business believing what has been implanted in my head since the tender age of 2. There is a God. It is better then trying to wrap my head around what floats in my medulla or which ever part of the brain comes up with these obserd ideas. Though I must admit I love being able to think beyond the norm, it is fcuking beautiful, confusing too, but beautiful nontheless.

1 comment:

  1. i once thought so much about our origin , i almost went crazy
