Saturday 11 October 2014


Dissatisfaction will always be our prison, and as you stare through the iron bars into the life you wish to attain, you will never be fully aware of the empty spaces that fill you. Whether it is all in the drive to acquire a mental plan to break those iron bars holding you a prisoner, or whether it is the paralysis of fear is debatable. Ultimately, it all narrows down to a mental prison, or what they have come to name a mental breakdown. 

The need to work because one is not complacency's best friend is admirable, however what then happens when you are UNABLE to take rest. Many will laugh at this absurd idea, not knowing that it in actual fact is plausible. It has happen to many and will continue to do so as humans are generally dissatisfied humans, so much such that engulfs us, or rather me. 

I have been meaning to blog about the unequal distribution of wealth coupled with greed. Now that I am at it, I may as well get into it and later on touch on the subject I had intended to dissect. 

We are quick to point a finger at those in power, easily angered by misuse of power and hell of a lot touched by our want of those very positions. Do not get me wrong when I say that, because many are quick to put up a defensive arm in protecting their vanity. Corruption is not inborn, nor is in embedded in ones DNA, there is no chromosome that reads, 'Will be a thief". No, it is circumstance, opportunity and the oh-mighty greed. That is all it boils down to. So, why then are we so quick to ride on Donald Trumps nuts about being an arrogant bastard, that will tell anyone that cares to listen about his success, never mind the road to this said success. See, he is an honest breed bastard, and I sure as hell admire that in any given person. He does not bask in a lack of self awareness we call humility. He is down right honest to the bone. That He, Donald Trump, worked hard and has the right to squander his money however he pleases. Is this not the very aspirations we too embody, success? Are we not constantly chasing the next level to success, blindly so, that we never sit back and think, wait, is this not the poverty gap I am indeed trying to jump?

In actuality, we are all racing one another trying to be the one who jumps this poverty gap and are then set to the other side, the elite side of things. The side that allows for one to sit back and say "I did it, I can now spend however it is I please". Yet you scorn Mr. Trump, sit your contradicting self down. Now, this is a rather complex thought, and I am finding difficulty in placing it on paper. What I am saying is that we scorn the poverty gap, although rightly so, we are in actual fact not trying to close this gap, we are trying to jump it. We all want our piece of the cake, we all want to be financially comfortable and well, the rare breed wants a legacy. If one is to actually be utterly honest with oneself, why then are you dissatisfied with your given job, it provides a place to sleep and pays the bills, yet you want more. Is that more not better known as greed? See, there, now we want to argue greed and ambition, this is called making up excuses dear sir/madam. To correctly phrase this, we speak ill of greed but we ourselves are greedy. The inequality gap is born out of dissatisfaction which we ALL embody. 

So, I am greedy, I want more. What sets me apart is, I want more but not at the cost of others. I will sow back into my community, and this is not my win-them-over speech. I can stand tall and testify to giving back, when I had nothing to give. It does not make me a better person, it just means I think beyond myself and my aspirations. I stop to think about those with less opportunities then I do, if we could all center our thinking like this, I for-see an equal distribution of resources. Impossible? Well yes, because GREED. 

Back to mental breakdowns, see ambition can engulf you till your eyes are scaled with nothing but that dream. You will, live, eat and breathe that need to succeed. Mornings, are met with a rush to attend to mail, afternoons are met with a rush to attend to meetings and evenings are filled with more work than you can complete. Sleep eludes you, because of this dream you see and need to curb your way to by all means and costs. Forgetting however, that sleep is to be a part of the equation of success. 

Fear of complacency is every driven persons fear, not fear as popularly believed. Fear is embraced as a learning curve, complacency however is avoided like a plague. It is in this avoiding that sleep is not seen as a priority, if anything, books are read that tell of success persons who survive on 4 hours sleep, and look at this wambo try duplicate this. Now, by all means, read success stories and derive from it formulas that too can work for you, but my DZIA PREASE LEST!!

Mental breakdowns are an actual thing, not a myth put in place by the first world order in an attempt to scare the average person off a dream. Yal read way too much illuminati / first world order conspiracies. When you are over whelmed by your responsibilities, so much so that there is always one or the other thing that needs doing, re-evaluate your life and prioritize, This is why the importance of a life plan is stressed, because you can not grab every ball life throws your way. Choose them well and in turn walk that beautiful road to success. Complacency is not an awful thing if placed right, if you are at a place in your life where that's the road you ought to be walking, do not be staring at that of the next person and in turn leave yourself wanting. That's the imprisonment I spoke of earlier, your life does not need to be a prison always looking to be freed into the life of another. Live your own life and be happy in it, if not, quit staring at iron bars and bloody well make it what you want. Ain't nobody got time. *drops mic*

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