Thursday 5 February 2015

Or What?

Part II Spoken Word Namibia

He... Yes, it always had to be a male who was either too mentally challenged to realize your true potential before it was too late

Or, too self absorbed to ever care about your fragile little heart

Or, too strong to ever let himself feel an emotional connection to you

Or what?

What other excuse is one to put in place to protect these men who are so ruthless and couldn't give a shit about the hearts they break?

Oh, I sound angry huh? Go ahead and call me an angry black woman, for that label has long worn out like your inability to keep your pants zipped up long enough to conquer the woman you seek. See, we have heard far too many cries from men crying foul or simply making empty promises. I am not about to count how many times I have heard the words,

“I am different and I am not like other guys” or “I have been waiting for a woman like you to change my perspective on love”, yet those statements are followed by the oh so popular “BRB, be right back never to return again” or the “LOL, laugh out loud, I really don’t know what to say to that” or “ It’s not you, it’s me”

Now, pardon me for saying, but I crave a man that will shed light on my darkened heart.

 My hardened heart, which will easily open up to a man that pursues it without the fear of endless possibility of hurt. That a man will not run for the nearest hill at the mention of my deceived heart.
Now men.

Before you tell me that not all men are the same. Let me ask you this question, “How many hearts have you broken?”

See, the anger is not derived so much from the hurt as it is the inconsideration for another human being. See, the want to understand, “what is wrong with me?” did not come on a crystal clear Sunday morning, but it came on a day when thunder was grasping at the little light left with in me. It’s the similar story of many women and in the somewhat rare case men, who can relate to broken promises, missiles thrown at their hearts and a cascade of lies.

Now I need to say this, but forgive me and lead me never into darkness ever again.

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