Saturday 7 February 2015

When Joy Comes to Stay (Suuuuuprise!)

Shit.. I went through my blog and it dawned on me that it is sooooo sad! Like, I mean sad!

The amount of heart break I have survived, and turned to this blog to patch up the bruises and live away the scars is tremendously sad. I mean since the year 2012, there has been nothing but a repetition of one thing, sadness caused by men. Now, dammit! I want liberation and I can taste it. At the tip of my tongue, the roof of my palate and on my taste buds!

When Joy Comes to Stay

When the sky no longer looks a mystifying blue, it reflects a perfect baby blue that sends shards of hope through my heart
When you no longer see a haze, but an actual picture perfect picturesque image
That will engulf your synapses and have them working at a rate unknown to you or not fully discovered yet
When you tap into the corners of your mind you never knew existed
When your heart is healing itself, whilst you are unaware
Shards and splints coming together and giving you a feeling of wholesome
That you indeed can and will survive
The light at the end of the tunnel that blinds you
So bright is the light that you can feel and touch it

Lord, it feels good!

Ever felt like sending a shout out to your God. Like, we made it! And now that we are here, our kind, we gatta stick together man!

Like, I can feel my personality break free of all the molds it has tried fit over the years, finally taking its natural form. Such that joy is mine and comes to stay without the comprehension of "what if" and simply be.

Be all that I am destined to be, happy! The joy I wake up with every morning is self created, it comes from the depths of me. Once joy is internalized and needs not come from an external factor, then you experience real joy. The kind that cannot be tarnished by no mankind. See, this week I have had bursts of joy I cannot quite explain. Frankly, I feel it has a lot to do with not having been my own source of joy for so long.

Dances to *shackles* by Mary Mary. So, let me bask in my burst of color, pink, yellow, violet, green.. I mean! Joyous times ahead! I look forward to a more cheerful blog! *raises champagne glass* to more cheerful times..

Stay Tuned!

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