Sunday 14 September 2014

I cannot begin to Can

See remorse is something that can not be taught to another being. It is not something that thy parent can teach you, nor is it something that can be staged, because ultimately one will be able to see through the fabricated emotion. Although this may sound banal, it actually does boil down to a point. In the papers following the killing of a young struggle child, I saw many things but remorse.  I saw that the politicians were to ensure that a full investigation was seen through, I saw that some wanted to justify the killing with questions that if answered would leave a blue faced parliament. What bothered me most, has to be the fact that in the instance that one asked where remorse was, justifications were given, but even after all this, not a hint of remorse. 

Now pardon me if I am wrong, but is this not the very government we voted into power and were granted the power to ensure our rights are protected. Does this or does it not require remorse in the instance of a loss of life, especially to the hands of the very people assigned to protect lives. The whole scenario sounds like a huge paradox that refuses to end. Yes, ultimately there may have been some provocations form both parties and matters were mishandled, but remorse cannot be bought nor implemented nor assigned to a certain resolution. It is in born, I do not speak up against a political party, nor a certain individual, I speak up for those voted into power to not forget their humanity.

Power changes people it has been said, no! Power changes those who let themselves drown in an artificially created life that doesn’t last forever. Has it not been proven that politics is a dirty game?  The very people you eat with today can scorn you tomorrow. So do not lose your humanity in the midst of trying to protect and keep what has become your norm. I have to congratulate Mr. Ngurare who in the midst of havoc, did not lash out at anyone nor try point fingers at a guilty party, but ensured that the sent his condolences first and fore most. Is this not what we speak of, that if you are to be in charge of making my laws, never mind protecting them, that you be able to relate to me.

There are many things wrong with the parliament and I can spend endless days pointing out just what these things are, varying from the fact that there are too many middle men in the carrying out of tasks assigned to government. How are you placed in the seat of a ministry by people, this is the 1st person of the cycle, you employ people to carry out tasks, this is 2nd person of the cycle, after which you then employ people to award tenders, this is the 3rd person, this person awards the tenders, 4th person, this person assigns sub-contractors, this the 5th person. Now bare in mind I am under no circumstances against the notion of employment opportunities, but can these employment opportunities be maximized and not be petty jobs put in an endless line of irrational job creation. If one were to maximize on the two people, in the success of this project, trust and believe more will come. Ever notice how consulting firms maximize on  the employees they have hence the fast rate at which they grow. Learn something.

Same goes with compensation, the moment one takes responsibility and sees something for what it is, it reduces the chances of losing yourself. If you can maintain and sustain your true self, matters such as remorse will not have to be written about so that realization can set in. These are lessons taught at home, they shouldn’t b taught in newspapers, but such is Namibia. 

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