Wednesday 23 September 2015

PROCRASTINATION.. the unsung hero

To understand this, you need to dissect the beliefs of spirituality. The belief that God's timing is the only timing that matters, regardless of how pressed you may be to see the outcome of your own desires.

God will never place anything on your heart, and not give you capability
To trust completely is a human flaw possessed by all. Not only does this require a level of letting go of self, but trusting in the unknown. Trusting that the universe will align your stars and capture your desires. This requires that procrastination be your best friend, till such a time that it feels right and you are ready to go. All too often we jump into things and want to see results, simply because we fear that we may never see our desires realized. In doing so, we may end up taking on a task that will inevitably fail because the timing is not right. How then does one heed against procrastination and living out your dreams? As it is said, "It's the things we didn't do that we most regret, as opposed to the things we did do." The truth of the matter is that we usually know when the timing is right, because our souls and spirits align. The energy we derive from with in, gives the extra boost it takes to see out our desires. Ever had that feeling of dread to do something, and you push ahead anyways? And in most instances the results are far from satisfactory because your heart was not in it. 

Let me share a little personal insight on this.. My greatest fear is mediocrity. The thought of not living out my potential gives me nightmares. This in turn has me taking on more than I can handle, at rates that simply aren't normal to the human capacity. In turn I tend to have far more on my plate then is necessary at any given time. So with the fear, may come a pressure to do things that are not in the right timing. One can usually tell whether something is in the right timing by doing an introspection on how your heart feels. Procrastination may be your very best friend, as that may mean that the timing just is not right. The timing just is not now. 

Understanding that whatever desire has been placed in your heart, you have equally the same ability to have it realized. The trick is establishing whether that desire has been placed in your heart by your creator or whether it is derived from the world. God has given you capabilities to supersede any given desire he lays on your heart. Notice how usually the very things you are talented at is where your hearts desire lies. When it is advised by all motivational speakers that, 'do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life', gives me the impression that it is to be effortless. The things you are talented at will never feel like work to you because they come to you naturally. This however does not mean that you won't have to give an extra push to see the results you want and need. All things worth having, are worth working for.

Fear is the greatest motivator
See , as much as timing evaluation is essential, so is ability to push through the moments of fear. One of the things that bind us and keep us from seeing out our desires is fear. The moment you are faced with questions of, "what if it doesn't work, what if I make a fool of myself.." It is time to get up and get doing. The moment fear is a part of something, it usually means there is great potential. If something does not scare you, it rarely has great potential. The greatest ideas are risks. If it were not a risk, many others in the world would be doing it, actually some are already doing it, which begs the question, why can't you? 

When you take your fear and make it your motivator, you take what could potentially tear you down and make it your greatest supporter. Ensuring that, fear be the thing that has you go the extra mile. Fear is healthy as it is the very thing that may push you. The fear of failing is a great motivator. As opposed to seeing all the negative, why not have the very things that scare you, push you to do better?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who had the fear of starting a blog. She feared that it wouldn't be all she saw it to be and feared failing. Now, if one looks at her story, the one thing she feared was to be her very motivator. The fear of having her blog not live up to her expectations is to drive her to make it the very best she can. She has the heart, the drive, the love and the passion. Fear needed to be a contributing factor to see out the success of that blog. She is to ensure that the blog surpassed her wildest dreams,and that is her only way of running from her fear. Now, one would then ask the question, how is she to know the timing is right? It has been right all along, because she had fear binding her. The moment she liberates herself, she is ready. Had she not seen the fear to be but an obstacle, it could easily have engulfed her, but once you recognize your fear for what it is, it no longer has power over you. 

Liberate yourself, and sing for the unsung hero.. Procrastination

To Karina

Be set free. Fear no longer has power over you.

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