Sunday 3 April 2016

To fight or walk away?

Will you ever really face yourself and admit that you are flawed? That under all the masks and masks of self assurity is layers and layers of flaw? That really the reason why you find yourself in a tussle of words with everyone you love, has nothing to do with them but everything to do with you?

Well, my truth is that I am too easily hurt. I love so freely, so easily. Which is not a flaw, it's my greatest strength, because I see good in everyone. In all that I do, I am certain good will come from it as it is said that "everything works out for my good." So why then do I feel like my need to give love out to the world is tearing me apart?

Love is not supposed to feel like one dark hole taking more from you then you want to give. It is not supposed to feel like the oxygen you breathe is taken from the room and all you do is suffocate on it's bitterness. I know as well as anyone does that life is to be beautiful. yet, lately it feels like anything but beauty.

I am caught in a cycle of despair. Wanting happiness, but it always an inch too far to reach. I am bone tired, soul wrenched and simply unable to go on. I admit, that this time, I don't know what to. To fight or to walk?

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