Saturday, 28 April 2012

Kiss! Bang! Paw!

If only life were that simple. You meet your Prince charmingà Kiss, bang & Paw!! You ride of in your white carriage. Well, I learnt growing up that it is by no means that simple. Not in the least!

Defence Mechanism
I was that girl...
So what happens when you reach the age of 11 and reality sets in that life is not as simple as getting up in the morning ready to go colour pages a splosh of colour! When the red, purple and pink is over ruled by black and you think FCUK>>>  ain’t life a bitch for the first time. In most cases (this is my opinion, feel free to disagree)  this is when a character we call THE DEFENCE NECHANISM shows face. Dispite the fact that they say when you believe you are, people around you automatically believe the same thing. Typical example…. MEAN GIRLS.. The girls in the movie believed they were special, and in turn the people around them too believed it and that is when the status quo comes into play, but with all the rules life sets for you ‘rules are meant to be broken’ and how you perceive yourself is no exception.

Anyway, this blog is about me and well growing up my biggest defence mechanism was hiding having a rude persona. I was the mean girl at school, I look back now and I am at a cross road as to whether I regret any of that. Truth is no and yes, yes- because it meant, no one could really get close to me. I am an extremely open person and can never really read someone’s intention. So it helped me filter out all the people I did not need. No- because I grew up hated. I told myself it was envy solely to make myself feel better, but I knew the truth. So it goes either way really.

A defence mechanism is not something you sit down and decide on, but I really do wish I had though about it, I Would have chosen differently.

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