Dairy Of a changed WOMEN
keyword being changed. People say you should never change the person you are.. but what happens when the person you are is not what you should be? When all you have been doing is straying of the right path? Well, today is day one of changesInmyLife.
1. Improve my relationship with my mother
It is essential that every child have a relationship with their mother as it can negatively effect you at the end of the day, mostly pshycologically. Your mother can have done the unimaginable to you, a parent is a parent. I have gone through more then words can put together with my mother. She has hurt me tremendously. Told me she wishes she had never given birth to me, cursed me and told me I can go die for all she cares. Despite all of that, She has made me the person I am. Strong and determined to prove to the world and myself then I can be more then anyone has ever imagined. Driven, ambitious and hard-headed (can be bad, but good most of the time).
2. Change my surrounding
I had been trapped in the cycle of life. Surrounded by people that do not build me. For so long, I had been blinded, letting people leech of my knowledge and getting nothing back. When the truth is, if someone doesnt build you an adds no value to your life you need to let them go. As they will only effect you negatively and honestly, it is hardly worth it. Today I let go of a friend I had for 5years. It wasnt easy, but it had to be done and honestly it feels damn good!! I feel improvement in the right direction.
3. School
I have been finding school incredibly hard to cope with. I have been staying up late, going to school at 7, getting home at 9 and yet I saw no results. I was beaten down and felt my effort was going unnoticed, but you know what... the worth while things in life don't come by easy. Wealth doesn't come over night, it is the result of preserverence, hard-work and determination. Something I plan to live by till I get what I want and will not settle for less!
4. Myself
Work on building myself as a person. Stop selling myself short and realise my potential. I am not the smartest cookie in the jar, but I am well above average. Realisation is the first step, implementing the second, doing the third and achiving the 4th!
5. My Boyfriend
Set last in the list, but most certainly not the least. The love of my life. The one man that will be on my left handside every minute of the journey. The one man that needs all the recognition and respect I can offer. The man I see myself with ten years down the line. No, I am not being naive, we have come a long way, 5years and still counting. Believe me when I say I will let NOTHING come in my way. I will fix us and get us back on the road we were. Though things may never be perfect, close to perfect is good enough foor me aslong as its with him! Love may not conquer all, but it conquers most!
Day 1.. I have decide I will blog once a week to see and take note of my progress.