respect has many definitions to it depending in which context you use it. It can either be a noun, verb or whatever. Definition states 'A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements' that is when you respect someone in regard to their position or status. That is not the respect I want to blog about, self-respect is where I am headed. Respecting not only your body, but you yourself as a person. One finds people that do not regard their bodies as anything other then a tool, namely prostitutes. I have been researching on the subject 'commercial sex', because I have alway been strongly opinionated and I thought instead of being so judgemental why not broaden my understanding an knowledge on the subject. I will have you know that there is not more to the subject then what every Piet and Paul knows- I have researched.
There are many reasons as to why any women would go into prostition and it is by survey been proven that it is mainly due to poverty. Here's my arguement: Why choose the easy way to make money, a quick fix? Why not go out there and find a job, yes, it is simpler said then done but the problem with humans these days is that besides your circumstance you still want to be picky. I am a child brought up with everything I could possibly need, so some may ask what do I know about suffering. Well, growing up I choose to expirience life, to not be shielded and kept in a cacoon from all hurt. Last year I worked at a restaurant, and it so turns out that just outside it, was the hospot for all prostitutes. What got under my skin is that at the restaurant at at which I was working had positions available, yet these girls/women would walk right by oppertunities! They are drowning so deep in their own sorrows they cannot stop to think as to how to better their lives. What is even more sad is that they come from poor families, crippled due to HIV, parents dead and they are left to become the bread winners. So what do they do? Walk right into the arms of the VIRUS itself..and the cycle repeats itself.
Then there are morals that are thrown right out the window, I have mentioned before I'm not religious, but I do believe in God. Your body is the temple of God, yes we all do sin in our own way. Have sex before marriage and all that jazz, but it is so immoral to sell your body for money on a bloody daily freaking basis. Not to mention the abuse you must endure when trying to please these men, after all they PAID for their fair share of any kind of sex with you... and who is to say you wont attract a sadist? There are so many things that play a role in the selling of sex.
Anyway, so they all have their own stories as to why they choose the profession of prostitution. We all have the right to making your/our own choices. I just feel that there are many ways to skin a cat. And those that choose the easy way out don't always get the best meal.
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